What Can an Employment Attorney Do for You?

Are you looking for answers to complicated employment law questions about California’s employment laws?  Do you need help ensuring that company policies and practices are compliant with the latest local, state, and federal requirements?  If so, it’s time to reach out to an experienced employment attorney in Pomona.  An attorney who focuses on California’s employment laws can provide valuable advice on several employment issues involving workplace laws and regulations.  It can range from explaining the different types of employment laws (such as wrongful termination, sexual harassment, workplace rights or violation of Labor Code violations for unpaid wages, missed meal and rest periods, etc.), it can also include providing knowledge on how to best build an employment case.  There are a number of additional employment issues that often come up such as negotiating severance agreements, representing employees in investigations, or reviewing employee handbooks.  In all instances, it is important to have a skilled employment lawyer who will be at your side every step of the way.

In this blog post we will discuss what kind of benefits an employment attorney in Pomona brings, how they can help protect your rights as an employee or employer, and why having one is essential for making sure that your employment rights are not violated.

Explore Legal Paths to Pursue a Wrongful Termination Case

Getting fired from a job is never easy but when you suspect that your dismissal was based on unlawful reasons, it can be devastating.  Although your employer may not tell you, there may be legal options available to you.  Employment lawyers help you explore legal rights and whether you have a case for wrongful termination.  Wrongful termination cases can be based on a number of reasons.  Wrongful termination cases can include unlawful discrimination by an employer (Fair Employment and Housing Act), violation of family or medical leave laws (including the California Family Rights Act, Government Code section 12945.2), unsafe work environment (Cal/OSHA and Labor Code section 1102.5), complaints for unpaid wages (Labor Code sections 216.(a) and 1199(b), discussing wages with coworkers, female employees asserting equal pay rights (Labor Code section 1197.5(a) and the list goes on.  Because the range of possible wrongful termination cases are numerous, it is important to speak with an employment lawyer and receive the right legal advice.  This can help you preserve the best evidence to build a strong wrongful termination case and better understand your employment rights.  It’s important to act quickly and contact an experienced employment lawyer because some cases are time sensitive and there are requirements for filing administrative claims and lawsuits to preserve your legal rights.  Having an experienced employment lawyer partner with you will give you the best chance of receiving justice and receive reasonable compensation for the losses you have suffered.

File Administrative Charges with Government Agencies

Depending on the type of employment case, it may be necessary to file an administrative claim with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing or with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  Filing administrative charges with government agencies can be overwhelming, but it is often a critical step to protect your employment rights.  These charges are generally based on claims for unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation.  As a result, it is important to consult an experienced employment attorney in Pomona to make sure that all rights are protected.  The filing of administrative claims with government agencies and primarily done online, so it is helpful to have an employment lawyer that can advise on how to file these claims.  The right lawyer will help you at every stage to help you fight for your rights.

Provide Legal Advice about Severance Agreements that have been Offered to You

Losing a job is always difficult, but it can be made more challenging if you’re not fully aware of your employment rights when it comes to severance agreements.  Severance agreements will offer you additional compensation in exchange for the waiver of all employment rights.  It is important to consult with an employment attorney when presented with a severance agreement to make the best decision on whether it makes sense to agree to the terms in the severance agreement.  There are times when the employment rights are worth much more than what is offered in the severance agreement and that can only be done after consulting with an employment attorney in Pomona.  That allows for an informed decision that prevents an employer from taking advantage of the situation gaining a full waiver that would prevent the pursuit of any employment claims.

Where to Find an Employment Attorney in Pomona

Do you need an employment attorney in Pomona? Mark Charles Law APC is here to help.  Our team of dedicated employment legal professionals can help you get the justice and compensation you deserve.  Contact us today to learn more about the ways we can help you.


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